How to setup WHM using custom nameservers

This article will walk you through the steps of setting up WHM for the very first time using custom nameservers ( and for your DNS Management.

Read This First

Before setting up WHM to use custom nameserver (nameservers assigned to your domain), you will first need to create them with your registrar. If you are unfamiliar with this process, or unfamiliar with hosting your own DNS server, it is strongly suggested to use Codero’s nameservers ( and and follow the steps outlined in these articles instead:

How to setup WHM with Codero nameservers
How to edit DNS in


Log In

Log into WHM. You will need to use https://IP.ADD.RE.SS:2087 to access the login screen.

Username: root
Password: The root password provided with your server. This is also the ssh root password.



Step 1: End User Agreement

Read the End User License Agreement then click I Agree/Go to Step 2



Step 2: Setup Networking

Contact Information

Enter your administrator’s email address. This is the address email sent from your server will be delivered to. It is important that is a working and monitored email address.




Select a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) for your server. This is usually a subdomain of your primary business domain name that defines the server. Some good examples would be,, or

It is not recommended to use an actual working domain name for your hostname, such as or simply
Make a note of the hostname you select and use this for the reverse DNS on your server’s primary IP address.




Resolver IPs are used to convert domain names to IP addresses. Using the wrong Resolver IPs can drastically reduce the performance of your server.

Primary Resolver:
Secondary Resolver:



Main Network/Ethernet Device

To best determine the device to use, log into your server with ssh, then run the ifconfig command. Locate the line with your primary IP address. The line directly above it will show the correct device.



# ifconfig
eth1      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:12:34:56:78:9A  
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:

In this example the correct device is eth1. To change the default, you will need to select Other from the dropdown, then manually type in the correct device name.


After you have completed all of these steps, click the Save & Go to Step 3 button.


Step 3: Setup IP Addresses

Adding additional IPs is beyond the scope of this article. Click Skip This Step and Use Default Settings.


Step 4: Nameservers

Since we will be using custom nameservers, you’ll need to setup the DNS service. If you have not already setup custom nameservers using your server’s IP address, you should do so before proceeding. Otherwise we recommend using Codero’s nameservers and following the steps outline here instead: How to setup WHM with Codero nameservers

You can find additional information about creating custom nameservers here: cPanel – How to Register Private Nameservers


Nameserver Configuration

Select BIND
Bind should be automatically selected by default.



Add A Entries for Nameservers & Hostname

Check [X] Add “A Entries” for all Nameservers. These provide the “glue” that bind your nameservers to your IP and allow them to work. Without these, your DNS will not function correctly.

You will need to enter the actual IP addresses you used when setting up the nameservers with your registrar.

Note that is it perfectly acceptable to use the same IP for both nameservers.

Check [X] Add “A Entries” for Hostname. (Optional)


After you have completed all of these steps, click the Save & Go to Step 5 button.


Step 5: Services


Select Pure-FTPD

(*) Pure-FTPD

Mail Configuration
Select Dovecot and check “Convert Mailbox Format

(*) Dovecot
[X] Convert mailbox settings file format to new mai server's format during migration


Configure cPHulk

cPHulk is great for protecting your server against brute force attacks, however it can also block legitimate users from accessing their accounts, including the root user.

Use the values shown in the image below to prevent “accidental” lock outs from blocking these users for extended periods of time.



Install common set of Perl Modules

It is generally not necessary to install the Perl Modules. Leave this unchecked.

[ ] Provide modules to /usr/bin/perl formerly provided by checkpermodules

After you have completed all of these steps, click the Save and Go to Step 6 button.


Step 6: Quotas

Select (*) Use files system quotas then click Finish Setup Wizard


Feature Showcase

Use all the defaults on this page. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click


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