2014 April

How to create a snapshot in Hyper-V

Introduction The ability to create snapshots is one of the best reasons for dividing your workloads into different virtual servers.  If a specific service crashes, you can quickly restore it to a previously known setup with very little effort. I especially appreciate this feature when running a training class.  I can create a snapshot of… read more »

How to use a2ensite and a2dissite with rpm based apache systems

One thing this author prefers, it is the Debian (apt-get) style use of a2ensite and a2dissite to enable and disable hosted domains. This guide will show you how to set up a similar system in rpm based (Redhat, Fedora, CentOS, etc) systems. Set up instructions To setup a similar system on your rpm based server,… read more »

ESXi – How to create a new virtual machine

This article assumes you have already downloaded and install the vSphere client from your ESXi server and have logged in. Add new Virtual Machine In the vSphere client, click File > New > Virtual Machine…

How to configure the Codero ISO Datastore in ESXi

The Codero Datastore contains several distributions of various Operating Systems, including Arch Linux, CentOS, Debian, DSL, Fedora, FreeBSD, OpenSUSE, SpamTitan and Ubuntu. By using these ISOs, you can drastically reduce the amount of time it take to create new VMs.   If you have not done so, download the VMware vSphere Client from your ESXi… read more »

How to install Hyper-V in Windows 2008

This guide will show you the steps required to install the Hyper-V Role on a Windows Server. While this guide was created using Windows 2008 DC Edition, the steps should work for any Windows 2008 Server.

How to allow access to WHM after being blocked by cphulk

To add your IP by clicking “cPHulk Brute Force Protection” from the WHM main menu, then click the “White/Black List Management” tab. Enter your IP in the text box under “White List (Trusted IP List)” then click the [Quick Add] button. Once your IP is registered on the white list, you will no longer receive… read more »

How to test and patch your server for the Heartbleed vulnerability

Important Update! It was discovered that any SSL certificates that were installed on vulnerable servers may also be compromised and should be re-issued using a new private key. You will need to contact your SSL provider for instructions on how to do this.You can use the following links on how to install your new certificates… read more »
